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How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

The length of time it takes for a substance to leave your system is called the half-life of that substance. For example, alcohol has a half-life of around two hours, meaning that after two hours, only half of the amount you had yesterday is still in your system. Similarly, if you smoke marijuana once, it will take 12 hours for its effects to peak and begin to decrease. However, if you’re a heavy smoker or use other psychoactive drugs like cocaine or methamphetamines on a regular basis, the substances in your blood may stay active in your system longer than they do with marijuana. So how long does marijuana stay in your system? The answer depends on various factors such as how often you use marijuana; what method you use to consume it; and whether or not you have any underlying medical conditions that can affect the way it leaves your body.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoke it?

The average THC concentration in leafy cannabis is about 9 to 20 percent, meaning that nearly all of it can stay in your system between four and six hours after you smoke it. However, some factors can alter this time frame, such as the method you use to consume it: If you smoke marijuana, the THC will stay in your system for 12 hours or more after you’ve last smoked.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you ingest it?

Marijuana does not show up in your blood for a very short amount of time. For example, the “half-life” of THC in the blood is generally around two hours, and in a person who has not recently consumed any marijuana, the substance is gone from the blood within four hours. Although there are some differences in each person’s body due to genetics, diet, and other factors, most people’s metabolisms can process the THC in marijuana within this window. In fact, the recommended serving size for edible marijuana products is 10mg, which is 10 milligrams. However, the average serving size is 60-80mg, which is more than four times the recommended amount. A person who uses an edible marijuana product with a serving size of 60mg or more could potentially be ingesting more THC than the average person can process in two hours, resulting in the THC staying in their system longer than it otherwise would.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you’re a frequent user and mix it with alcohol?

The THC in marijuana stays in your system for around four to six hours after you’ve last smoked or ingested it. This is the same time frame in which it will be detected in your urine if you have a urine drug test scheduled for that day. If you then consume alcohol, the THC in your blood could stay active for an additional three hours. Depending on your weight, metabolism, and other factors, some of this alcohol-laced THC could be processed in the liver and eliminated from your bloodstream. If you’re a heavy cannabis user and you frequently mix it with alcohol, you may be ingesting enough THC to stay in your system longer than when you use marijuana alone.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you have a medical condition that affects the way it leaves your body?

As we mentioned above, the rate at which your body processes and eliminates substances can vary depending on a variety of factors. In some cases, like if you have a medical condition that affects the way your body processes drugs like THC, the substance may remain in your system longer than someone who does not have that condition. For example, someone with liver damage or who takes certain medications may not be able to process and get rid of the THC in their blood as quickly as a healthy person does. A medical marijuana patient who has a condition that causes them to metabolize drugs slowly, like someone with glaucoma or diabetes, could end up with THC in their system for a longer time frame than someone who does not have that condition. Similarly, someone with a low body mass could also end up with THC in their system for a longer time frame than a heavier person would.

Bottom line

It is important to note that the half-life of a substance is only an estimate of how long it will stay in your system. Factors such as body mass, metabolism, medications, and other factors can affect the half-life of any drug. However, the half-life of THC is relatively consistent in most people, so it’s a good estimate of how long someone’s body will take to eliminate the THC in their system. Therefore, how long does marijuana stay in your system is dependent on various factors like how often you use marijuana and how you use it. It is important to remember that marijuana stays in your system much longer than most drugs, so it’s important to use it responsibly. With that being said, here are some tips for staying safe while using marijuana.

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How do you stay safe while using marijuana?

  1. Only use marijuana that has been purchased from a reputable online dispensary like budcargo.net.
  2. Use a vaporizer or blunt instead. Vaporizing doesn’t burn the plant material like smoking does, which would release THC into the air.
  3. Don’t use marijuana if you have any illnesses, like a cold or the flu, that could cause you to go to a hospital.
  4. Don’t use marijuana if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
  5. Don’t drive or operate heavy machinery when high.
  6. Use marijuana responsibly with friends.